English version of the "FAQ: Flight and protection against violence" released

bff und Frauenhauskoordinierung veröffentlichen „F.A.Q.: Häufig gestellte Fragen an der Schnittstelle Gewaltschutz und Flucht“ nun auch auf Englisch. Unter folgendem Link und im Anhang finden Sie die deutsche und englische Version:

Deutsch: http://www.frauenhauskoordinierung.de/gewalt-an-frauen/gewaltschutz-und-flucht/faq.html
Englisch: http://www.frauenhauskoordinierung.de/gewalt-an-frauen/gewaltschutz-und-flucht/faq-en.html


The English version of the FAQ document that provides responses to frequently asked questions on legal regulations at the intersection of flight and protection against violence is released. The document has been prepared by the Association of Women’s Shelters (FHK e.V.) and the Federal Association of Rape Crisis Centres and Women’s Counselling Centres (bff e.V.) and in close cooperation with the lawyer Barbara Wessel.

The FAQ begins with a glossary that clarifies key terms and their consequences for female refugees.

The FAQ then continues with a number of questions that are categorised according to ten broader topics. Some of the questions recur because they belong to different topics at the same time. These are the ten thematic areas:

1. Regulations relating to asylum and residence matters     

2. Gender-specific violence as a reason for asylum and its role during the asylum procedure

3. Marriage and family law

4. Medical care and social benefits

5. Funding of counselling and protection for refugee women

6. Protective measures for refugee women living in shelters

7. Admission of female refugees to women’s shelters

8. Name change as a protective measure

9. The impact of the new penal code for sexual offences on residential regulations

10. Church asylum

Please note that legal regulations frequently change in this field. This FAQ is concerned with the legal situation as of November 2017.

The FAQ will be amended and updated as required on the website of bff and FHK:

http://www.frauenhauskoordinierung.de/gewalt-an-frauen/gewaltschutz-und-flucht/faq-en.html (FHK)
or https://www.frauen-gegen-gewalt.de/faq-flight-and-protection-against-violence.html (bff)