The acronym LGBTI stands for lesbians, gays, bisexuals as well as trans  and intersex persons.

LGBTI persons experience violence and discrimination in the public sphere, at the workplace, in social institutions and organisations, in families and relationships.

LGBTI persons affected by violence also experience structural discrimination, which can make finding help and overcoming violence difficult.

Trans persons consider it an act of discrimination when their gender identity is not acknowledged.

While growing up, intersex person often have to undergo hormonal treatment or genital surgery, which the affected persons experience as violence and which can result in traumatisation. Advocacy groups of intersex persons condemn such practices as human rights violations.  

Specialised Counselling Centres and Women’s Shelters

There are also specialised counselling centres and women’s shelters that support lesbians, bisexual women, as well as trans and intersex persons. These support facilities decide on an individual basis how they can support the abovementioned persons. It is important that the support needs of LGBTI persons who are affected by violence are taken more into consideration in help initiatives.

Further information

Psychosocial counselling for intersex and trans persons and their family members, handbook, pro familia federal association, Frankfurt 2016 (PDF, in German).

Results and recommendations of the study on “Experiences of Discrimination and Violence Made by lesbian and bisexual women and trans persons in Germany” regarding the field of counselling/anti-discrimination and anti-violence centres, website (in German).

Website of TrIQ: (in German).