Violence against women is a complex societal problem. In order to fight this problem and to support the women who are affected by violence, a range of social organisations and institutions have to work together in a coordinated manner – for example, police, judicial system, youth welfare offices, women’s shelters, and specialised counselling centres.
Interdisciplinary cooperation takes place at the federal and state level, and in regional associations, such as round tables on the topic of violence against women. Such cooperation needs to take place on a case-by-case basis, but also in a way that goes beyond individual cases.
Women’s shelters and counselling centres take part in cooperation panels as well as regional and supraregional round tables on the topic of violence against women. Depending on the support needs of women and their children, the staff members cooperate on a case-by-case basis with the involved institutions, counselling centres, and public offices.
Interdisciplinary cooperation aims at:
Cooperation agreements can make work easier and increase the commitment to cooperation.
Working together to combat domestic violence: Cooperation, intervention, research. Findings of the evaluation research assessing intervention projects against domestic violence (WiBIG) 2004.