53 results:
1. Women’s Shelters and Counselling Centres  
Search for Women's Refuges and Counselling Centres On this page you can search for women’s shelters and Counselling Centres throughout Germany. Information in 11 other languages: الحماية من…  
2. Violence Against Older Women  
Violence Against Older Women Domestic violence also occurs at an advanced age. It affects women who live in long-standing relationships characterised by violence, women who start a new relationship…  
3. What are women’s shelters?  
What are women’s shelters? Women’s shelters are especially safe places of protection and refuge that cannot be found in any address register. All women – be they with or without children – who…  
4. Homeless Women  
Homeless Women Apart from poverty, violence in families or relationships is a major cause of homelessness. Only few homeless women live openly on the street. Due to their socialisation, many of them…  
5. Violence Against Women with Disabilities  
Violence Against Women with Disabilities Disabled and impaired women are highly vulnerable to become victims of violence. It is not uncommon that they experience physical, psychological and…  
6. Imprint  
Imprint According to § 5 TMG Frauenhauskoordinierung e.V. Tucholskystr. 11 10117 Berlin Represented by Christiane Völz, Chairwoman Contact Phone: +49 30 – 338 43 42 – 0 Fax: +49 30 – 338…  
7. Homepage  
Have you experienced violence or are you looking for advice for people who have expierienced violence? You can find help at the Hilfetelefon Gewalt gegen Frauen (Phone Number: 08000 116 016;…  
8. Donate  
Donate You help us and thus also the women's shelters with a donation: Coordination of women's shelters e.V. Bank for Social Economy, Berlin IBAN: DE43 3702 0500 0007 6028 00 BIC:…  
9. The Association  
The Association Members The members of the Association of Women’s Shelters (FHK) comprise: Arbeiterwohlfahrt Bundesverband e.V. (AWO), the Workers’ Welfare Federal Association …  
10. About Us  
The Association of Women’s Shelters ─ About Us Women experience physical, sexualised and psychological violence on a daily basis – regardless of their age, their social standing or country of…  
Search results 1 until 10 of 53