Genital cutting refers to procedures during which the female genitalia are cut or removed. One also often speaks of “genital mutilation”. However, many affected persons consider this expression as depreciating their body and therefore reject it.
Women and girls in Germany undergo genital cutting as well. NGOs estimate that there are about 20.000 women living in Germany who have undergone genital cutting. Around 4.000 girls and women are considered to be in danger.
Female genital cutting is a grave violation of human rights and can be recognised as a reason for flight when filing an asylum application. But many affected persons have difficulties in talking about it without psychological support, which is why genital cutting is often not mentioned (in time) during the asylum application procedure.
An Empirical Study on Genital Mutilation in Germany. Facts – Connections – Perspectives, German Network for Overcoming Female Genital Mutilation, Freiburg 2017 (PDF, in German).
Website of the German Network for Overcoming Female Genital Mutilation, (in German).
Genital Mutilation of Girls and Women. Information bulletin for doctors and counsellors with recourse to information provided by the UN World Health Organisation, published by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ), Berlin 2005 (PDF, in German).
Website of the information and counselling centre for migrant and refugee women, (in German).