The Association


The members of the Association of Women’s Shelters (FHK) comprise:

  • Arbeiterwohlfahrt Bundesverband e.V. (AWO), the Workers’ Welfare Federal Association
  • Bundesverband Deutscher Caritasverband e.V. (DCV), German Caritas Association
  • Deutscher Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband Gesamtverband e.V. (Der Paritätische), Paritätische General Association Germany
  • Diakonie Deutschland, Evangelischer Bundesverband, Evangelisches Werk für Diakonie und Entwicklung e.V., Protestant Agency for Diakonie and Development
  • Sozialdienst katholischer Frauen - Gesamtverein e.V. (SkF), Social Service of Catholic Women General Association

Among the FHK members are also individual institutions responsible for the operations of women’s shelters and counselling centres. Supporting members who uphold the work of the FHK are among its members as well.

The framework of federal associations and individual institutions consists of around 260 women’s shelters and 230 specialised counselling centres. Taken together, FHK represents a large part of the federal help and support system in Germany.

Members receive the following benefits:

  • reduced participation fees for expert meetings  
  • reduced or free copies of publications issued by FHK  
  • registration in the mailing list on announcements and publications

Become a member (application form and membership fee regulations)

Association Board

Johanna Thie, Diakonie Germany ‒ Protestant Federal Association, Protestant Agency for Diakonie and Development

Katrin Frank, Paritätische General Association Germany


Association of Women’s Shelters / Frauenhauskoordinierung e.V.

Tucholskystraße 11

10117 Berlin


Phone  +49 30 – 338 43 42 – 0  (operator)
Fax +49 30 – 338 43 42 – 19  



Office staff

Dorothea Hecht, Consultant for Legal Affairs and Statistics
Phone: 030 – 338 43 42 – 30

Working Panels at FHK

Working Groups and Expert Committees

Working groups are concerned with both current and long-term issues and serve to deepen the FHK’s expert work. One example is the working group on funding, which has worked on solutions to funding women’s shelters and counselling centres for many years now.

The expert commitee Flight and Protection Against Violence works on improving protective measures for refugee women. Since 2016, the committee serves as a exchange platform for experts from federal ministries, state representatives and municipal umbrella organisations as well as migrant self-organisations, member associations and NGOs.

Memberships and Cooperations

Exchange and cooperation with other national and international organisations is crucial to the FHK’s work, since fighting violence against women requires broad social alliances that extend beyond national borders.

FHK is a member of the following organisations:

  • Working Group on Women’s Health in Medicine, Psychotherapy, and Society (AKF)
  • the Paritätische General Association Germany
  • European Network “Women against Violence Europe” (WAVE)
  • UN Women, National Committee Germany

FHK is active in the following advisory boards:

  • board of the Violence Against Women Support Hotline
  • board of the National Centre for Early Support
  • practice partner in the project CEINAV – “Cultural Encounters in Intervention Against Violence“ (finished)

FHK is active in the following committees:

  • member of the federal-state working group on domestic violence at the Federal Ministry for for Families, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
  • federal initiative “Protection of Refugees in Accommodation Centres” organised by the Federal Ministry for Families, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth and by UNICEF

FHK participates in the following alliances:

  • “Alliance Against the Shaken Baby Syndrome” by the National Centre for Early Support
  • CEDAW Alliance of Civil Society Organisations