42 results:
21. Violence Against Older Women  
Violence Against Older Women Domestic violence also occurs at an advanced age. It affects women who live in long-standing relationships characterised by violence, women who start a new relationship…  
22. Homeless Women  
Homeless Women Apart from poverty, violence in families or relationships is a major cause of homelessness. Only few homeless women live openly on the street. Due to their socialisation, many of them…  
23. Gender-Specific Violence  
Gender-Specific Violence Gender-specific violence against women is a form of violence that is directed against women because they belong to the female gender. This means all kinds of action which…  
24. Domestic Violence  
Domestic Violence Domestic violence means violence in intimate relationships, especially in domestic partnerships and families. It comprises all forms of action that involve physical, psychological,…  
25. Sexualised Violence  
Sexualised Violence Sexualised violence means that sexuality is forcibly used as an instrument of power. Perpetrators degrade their victims, they humiliate and demean them in order to feel powerful…  
26. Stalking  
Stalking Stalking refers to intentional and repeated acts of surveillance, chasing, harassment, and threatening, which serve to instil fear in the victim. The definition of stalking ranges from…  
27. Forced Marriage  
Forced Marriage One speaks of forced marriage when one of the partners is coerced into marriage. Persons concerned are often exposed to strong repression, tyranny, and isolation from their social…  
28. Trafficking in Women/Human Trafficking  
Trafficking in Women/Human Trafficking Trafficking in women is a form of human trafficking that specifically affects women and that occurs in domestic, European and international contexts. The…  
29. Genital Cutting  
Genital Cutting Genital cutting refers to procedures during which the female genitalia are cut or removed. One also often speaks of “genital mutilation”. However, many affected persons consider this…  
30. Psychological violence  
Psychological violence Domestic violence is primarily associated with bruises and physical violence. In the social environment, however, violence rarely begins with physical assaults. Before the…  
Search results 21 until 30 of 42